15. Excellence in Mental Health and Wellbeing

This award is for an individual who strives to make a difference to the lived experiences of the people with whom they work. When completing the nomination form, please give examples of the nominee’s work and outcomes.

The individual will:

  • demonstrate a thorough understanding of the nature and impact of mental health issues on individuals and the key people in their lives.
  • demonstrate the use of person centred approaches.
  • understand the importance of respect, dignity and aspirations;
  • support in ways that aims to extend boundaries of expectation
  • work with individuals to establish a greater richness, quality of life and wellbeing. Support individuals and their families to take as much control over their lives as they are willing or able to.
  • support others to promote equality and secure the rights of the individuals they support.
  • act as a role model to colleagues, continuously promoting person centred ways of working in the organisation, and promote respect, dignity and wellbeing of individuals using services in all of their work.
  • keep abreast of emerging practice and be prepared to challenge outdated or poor attitudes and practices.