There are two award categories, one for Care Practitioners (Award No.2) working in traditional Residential Care Homes and one for practitioners working in the community in a variety of settings (Awards No.1) such as Domiciliary / home care, support for carers, extra care or reablement programmes.
Individuals nominated for this award:
- should be working as ‘hands on’ supporting individuals living in their own homes or in residential care homes
- will continually demonstrate they work within the criteria laid down in the Social Care Wales Codes of Professional Practice for Social Care Workers
- will use Person Centred Approaches to support individuals using services to take as much control over their day to day life decisions as they are able or willing to do
- will support individuals to maintain or regain life skills, always respecting the uniqueness of everyone, maintaining dignity and promoting choice and independence
- l recognise the importance of the Key People in individuals’ lives, encourage community links and work effectively as a team member to support individuals to enjoy a good quality of life
- will be qualified practitioners, keep themselves up-dated and act as a role model for their peers.
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