Rownd Derfynol 2024

Gwobr Newydd-Ddyfodiad Eithriadol

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Victoria Chapman Lead Business Support Caron Group
Andrea Price Support Worker My Choice Healthcare
Rhys John Support Worker React Support Services

Gwobr Rhagoriaeth Mewn Arlwyo

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Kyle Wilson Head Chef Care UK
Jake Murray Chef Hallmark Luxury Care Homes

Gwobr Rhagoriaeth Mewn Gwasanaethau Anabless Ac Iechyd Meddwl

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Kiki & Matthew Hern Shared Lives Carers South East Wales Shared Lives Scheme
Helen Leigh Operations Director Ludlow Street Healthcare
Michaela Vallance Registered Manager Mental Health Care UK Ltd

Gwobr Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Mewn Byw â Chymorth neu Fyw Mewn Grŵp Bychan yn y Gymuned

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Rachel Folland Locality Manager Dimensions Cymru
Emma Jenkins Shared Lives for Mental Health Crisis Manager Caerphilly County Borough Council
William Holmes Registered Manager Mental Health Care UK Ltd

Gwobr Arweinyddiaeth a Rheolaeth Mewn Gwasanaethau Gofal Preswyl

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Rachel Hawkins Head of Operations Achieve together
Lisa Morgan Behaviour Support Manager Dimensions Cymru
Georgina Ionescu General Manager Hallmark Luxury Care Homes

Gwobr Ymrwymiad I Hyfforddi A Datblygu’r Gweithlu

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Stephanie Jones Care Giver Right at Home Cardiff
Laura Shone Trainer Pendine Park Care Organisation
Leah Webb People, Culture & Wellbeing Officer Expanding Horizons
Jayne Owen Team Leader/ Quality Assurance Coordinator (QAC) Wrexham County Borough Council

Gwobr Nyrs Y Flwyddyn

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Olivia Ferrari Hospital Director Ludlow Street Healthcare
Jazmin Dicker Responsible Individual Crwban Care and Support
Rachel Lewis Community Manager Hallmark Luxury Care Homes

Gwobr Ymarferydd Byw â Chymorth neu Mewn Grŵp Bychan yn y Gymuned

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Karen Dean Support Worker Cartref Ni Ltd
Karen Jackson Care Practitioner PSS Shared Lives
Chloe Meyrick Deputy Manager React Support Services Limited

Gwobr Ymrwymiad i Ddyfarniad Swyddogaeth Gymorth

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Gareth Vincent Head of Facilities Caron Group
Wendy Edwards HR Officer Partnerships for Progress
Linley Jenkins Maintenance Operative SilverCrest Care

Gwobr Rhagoriaeth Mewn Gofal Lliniarol a Diwedd Oes

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Sophie Smith Trainer Pendine Park Care Organisation
Julie Brown Senior Carer SilverCrest Care
Stephanie Thomas Senior Nurse for Clinical Care St David’s Hospice Care

Gwobr Rhagoriaeth Mewn Gofal Demensia

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Geoff Liddle Activity Assistant SilverCrest Care
Sheryl Beebee Regional Dementia Practitioner Hallmark Luxury Care Homes
Samantha Nooradeen Registered Nurse Caron Group

Gwobr Gwasanaeth Eithriadol

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Natalie Grant Head of Care Options Autism
Michelle and Gary Jones Shared Lives Carers South East Wales Shared Lives Scheme
Daisy Richards Registered Nurse Fairways Care

Gwobr Hyrwyddo Bywydau Bodlon

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Wendy O Sullivan Lifestyles Lead Hallmark Luxury Care Homes
Emmanuella Nicolaou Creative Engagement Coordinator React Support Services
Paula Lewis Hospitalities Manager Hallmark Luxury Care Homes

Gwobr Ymarferydd Gofal Preswyl

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
David Rees Nurse Assistant Hallmark Luxury Care Homes
Samantha Evans Support Worker Integra Community Living Options
Henry Greenwood Senior Support Worker Life Long Learning 4 Living Ltd

Gwobr Peter Clarke am Hyrwyddo Rhagoriaeth Mewn Gwasanaethau i Blant a Phobl Ifanc

Enw Sefydliad Lleoliad
Emma Thomas Executive Head of Education Orbis Education & Care
Lauren Lincez Service Director and Responsible Individual Partnerships for Progress

The Sir Bryn Terfel Foundation Wales Care Award for Promoting the Arts in Social

Enw Rôl Sefydliad
Emyr Gibson Creative Practitioner Pendine Park Care Org.
Ceri Rawson Music Therapist MHA Methodist Homes and Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias.

The Craig Thomas Lifetime Achievement Award

TCB after the awards

Dignity In Care Award

TCB after the awards

Spirit of Care

TCB after the awards